Copper | Gold
Nevada, U.S.A
Almadex Minerals
Almadex consolidated the Davis/Paradise Valley area in 2019 by optioning the Davis property which adjoins the Paradise Valley property, staked by Almadex’s predecessor company.
The property comprises 302 claims totalling approximately 2,400 hectares with multiple targets, located approximately eight miles southeast of Gabbs, Nevada and five kilometers northeast of the Paradise Peak gold mine, which was active from 1984 to 1994.
Almadex holds the rights to acquire 100% of the project, subject to an underlying royalty as disclosed in its press release from August 11, 2021.
The project appears to cover three main hydrothermal mineralising events:
Gold-silver rich vein style mineralisation (intermediate sulphidation epithermal) at Davis, Davidson, Butler, Peppercorn and Twin Shaft in the Northern part of the project.
Auriferous mineralisation found in the advanced argillic alteration zone (high sulphidation epithermal and porphyry lithocap alteration) at Gold-Dyke within the southern Paradise area of the property.
Chalcedony-quartz-adularia banded vein mineralisation (low sulphidation epithermal)
associated with paleo water table alteration including a preserved sinter, suggesting the preservation of the high level portion of an epithermal system.
A 2022 surface mapping and sampling program outlined multiple zones of mineralisation. Highlights of the results are as follows and shown on target maps below:
At the western Peppercorn showing surface samples returned 0.4 m @ 1.9g/t gold and 1330g/t silver, 0.2 m @ 2.0 g/t gold and 415 g/t silver and a grab sample returned 6.0 g/t gold and 2410 g/t silver;
At the Davis North Zone, located 540 m north of the Davis vein zone, three grab samples returned 2.1, 18.5 and 36.3 g/t gold
At the Davidson mine, a chip sample over 0.3 m returned 54.9 g/t gold and 865 g/t silver, and a 0.2 m chip sample returned 21.4 g/t gold and 1095 g/t silver
At the Butler mine, a chip sample returned 0.2 metres @ 9.7 g/t gold
At the Twin Shaft showing grab samples returned 38 g/t gold and 261 g/t silver, 9.9 g/t gold and 64.3 g/t silver, 5.2 g/t gold and 122 g/t silver, and 3.5 g/t gold and 35.1 g/t silver.
At the southern Gold-Dyke zone mapping has defined a 1.35 km trend of intense high sulphidation alteration. One of the grab samples in this area returned 8.3 g/t gold
In the Sinter area 30 surface samples were taken averaging 0.2 g/t gold and 2.2 g/t silver including
a 30 cm chip sample of a banded vein crosscutting the sinter which returned 1.2 g/t gold and a grab from a silicified breccia which returned 1.5 g/t gold.
Drilling 2022
September 9th, 2024
Almadex Provides Update on its Western USA Exploration Program
February 27th, 2024
Mapping and Soil Sampling Results Outline Potential Porphyry Centre in Lithocap Alteration at the Paradise Project, Nevada
November 1st, 2022
Almadex To Start Diamond Drilling at Davis/Paradise in Nevada
September 22nd, 2022
Almadex Samples 6.0 g/t gold and 2410 g/t Ag in New High Grade Surface Trend and Defines Large High Sulphidation Alteration System at Davis/Paradise in Nevada
August 11th, 2021
Almadex Retains Rights to 100% of Drill-Ready Davis/Paradise Valley Property, Nevada
July 15th, 2022
Almadex hits multiple veins at the Davis Vein Target
May 24th, 2022
Drilling Underway at the Davis/Paradise Project, Nevada
May 12th, 2022
Davis/Paradise Project Update, Drilling Planned for June