Paradise PROJECT

Copper & Gold


Nevada, U.S.A



Almadex Minerals


The 1,730 hectare Paradise porphyry/high sulphidation copper-gold project covers a large 4.5 by 1.8 km porphyry lithocap comprised of acid sulphate alteration hosting high sulphidation gold-silver mineralisation.

The property is accessed year-round by road and is located approximately eight miles southeast of Gabbs, Nevada and five miles northeast of the historic Paradise Peak gold mine. Operated by FMC mining, the Paradise Peak mine was active from 1984 to 1994 with reported production was 1.6 MOz gold and 24.1 MOz silver.

Paradise Project - Porphyry High sulphication copper gold project Nevada


The Paradise Peak deposit is a high sulphidation system. The oxide gold mineralisation mined historically was hosted in vuggy silica and related acid sulphate alteration. Gold-rich porphyry copper alteration and mineralisation was identified beneath the high sulphidation ore at Paradise Peak gold minemaking this deposit a classic porphyry lithocap.

Almadex interprets the geology and alteration seen at the Paradise Project to represent an environment similar to Paradise Peak with a large preserved porphyry lithocap and the potential for both high-sulphidation and porphyry copper gold mineralization.

The roughly 4.5 by 1.8 kilometre area of exposed intense hydrothermal alteration is developed in volcanic rocks. This alteration zone, which includes quartz-alunite, pyrophyllite and diaspore, is typical of high-sulphidation environments forming above porphyry copper-gold systems.

The alteration has been mapped by Almadex using a Terraspec infrared spectrometer. This work, using rock chip spectral data points has defined a well-preserved porphyry lithocap with alunite core zones and pyrophyllite. Surrounding the acid sulphate zones are zones of phyllic alteration with muscovite as well as propylitic alteration in peripheral alteration halos.


In 2024 Almadex completed this detailed field alteration mapping program over the lithocap area, identifying several strong mineral vectors towards potential porphyry mineralisation at depth.

Almadex then completed a two hole 1,679.65 metre exploratory diamond drilling program on one of these alteration target areas. The drilling successfully confirmed that the Paradise lithocap is associated with a porphyry system at depth as porphyry B-type veining visible copper mineralisation was intersected. The area drilled is interpreted to represent a possible proximal shoulder to a porphyry system, and the company is encouraged by these results.

At the end of 2024 Almadex conducted several test IP geophysical lines over the Paradise project. These results are also encouraging as they demonstrated elevated chargeability responses within the lithocap.

Almadex plans to expand the IP survey area in 2024 before planning further drilling at Paradise later in 2025. Further drilling at Paradise is planned for 2025.




December 2nd, 2024
Almadex Provides Exploration Update, Commences Geophysical Surveys at Pilot and Paradise-Davis Project, Nevada

November 14th, 2024
Almadex Commences Drilling on the Sinter Zone, Paradise-Davis Project, Nevada

October 8th, 2024
Almadex Provides Update on its Paradise Project, Nevada

October 8th, 2024
Almadex Provides Update on its Paradise Project, Nevada

September 9th, 2024
Almadex Provides Update on its Western USA Exploration Program

February 27th, 2024
Mapping and Soil Sampling Results Outline Potential Porphyry Centre in Lithocap Alteration at the Paradise Project, Nevada


November 1st, 2022
Almadex To Start Diamond Drilling at Davis/Paradise in Nevada

September 22nd, 2022
Almadex Samples 6.0 g/t gold and 2410 g/t Ag in New High Grade Surface Trend and Defines Large High Sulphidation Alteration System at Davis/Paradise in Nevada


August 11th, 2021
Almadex Retains Rights to 100% of Drill-Ready Davis/Paradise Valley Property, Nevada

July 15th, 2022
Almadex hits multiple veins at the Davis Vein Target

May 24th, 2022
Drilling Underway at the Davis/Paradise Project, Nevada

May 12th, 2022
Davis/Paradise Project Update, Drilling Planned for June