Yukon Territories
Zinc / Silver
The Logan silver-zinc project is located 108 km northwest of Watson Lake in south central Yukon. The Project consists of 156 contiguous quartz mining claims located in the Watson Lake Mining District, covering over 3,200 hectares. The Project is located on the traditional territory of the Ross River Dena Council and Liard First Nation, 38 km north of the Alaska Highway.
ccording to historic reports, Logan contains a zinc-silver deposit consisting of fracture and vein hosted zinc-silver mineralization within a granitic intrusion. The Main Zone occurs along an 8,000m long NE trending fault-related structure. The Main Zone is tabular, dips 70 degrees to the NW, extends for 1,100m along strike, varies from 50m to 150m in width, and has been traced to depths of 275m and remains open.
The mineralization is up to 90 metres thick in relatively gentle terrain and minimal overburden, making it attractive for open pit mining. Limited historic sampling indicated the presence of tin enrichment associated with the zinc mineralisation. The samples collected will be analysed for a complete suite of elements.
Figure 1 : Location and Historic Drilling
September 13th, 2022
Almadex Reports Successful Site Visit and Sampling Program and Discusses Historic Drilling Results from the Logan Zn/Ag Project in Yukon Territory