We prospect. We’ve been doing it for decades. And we’re good at it.
Almadex’s exploration team has decades of geological experience, in-house drilling, highly-trained geophysists and geochemical technicians, and a proven record of generating significant minerals discoveries.
Our prospecting begins with a regional geological concept. Once we’ve identified an area with potential, we pinpoint targets with desktop analysis and further data collection. Then it’s time for field work.
We take a creative approach to the business of exploration.
Exploration is about managing the long odds of discovery success. A business model of strategic, long-term, and project-specific partnerships has enabled us to maintain a large and active project portfolio.
Our projects available for option are all 100% Almadex-owned and range from alteration zones that require target definition to drill-ready projects.
United States
Almadex and its predecessors have identified several geologic trends with defined mineral inventories (past and current production) and the potential for significant future discoveries.
This on-going target identification has resulted in the acquisition by staking of new projects where epithermal (gold-silver-copper) and porphyry copper (gold) potential occur.
High-level epithermal alteration and exposed veining with gold-silver. Previous work includes historic mining and drilling. New drill targets have been defined.
Porphyry lithocap alteration exposed over a 3.5 x 1.5 kilometer area. Drill targets have been defined. Drill permit in hand.
Monte Cristo
Hydrothermal alteration and quartz veining interpreted to represent a low sulphidation gold-silver system. Past work includes limited surface mapping and sampling.
Hydrothermal alteration interpreted to represent a high sulphidation gold system. Past work includes surface mapping and sampling. Drill targets defined.
Gold / Copper
Hydrothermal alteration overlying a large porphyry system with significant copper, gold and molybdenum potential. Past work includes surface sampling, mapping and geophysics. Gold and copper-gold targets defined. Optioned to Abacus Mining
Almadex holds several legacy projects in western Canada. These include the Logan Zinc-Silver Deposit for which an Updated Resource Estimate was announced in January 2023.
Silver / Zinc
Yukon Territories
The Logan Zn-Ag deposit is located in southern Yukon, 101 km northwest of Watson Lake. An updated resource estimate was announced January 2023
Gold / Silver
British Columbia
Previous work includes surface sampling, mapping, geophysics and drilling. New drill-ready anomalies found.
Gold / Silver
British Columbia
Previous work includes mapping, geophysics, and surface sampling of high-grade gold. Drill ready.